Privacy Policy

We are siHealth Ltd.

We are a digital healthcare company based in Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire, UK (

Our address is Building R104, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK and our company registration number is 9176652. We are registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) with number ZA834797.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between medicine and wellness – both in the way doctors practice and the way patients look after their long-term health – providing the latest innovations in environmental health, photobiology, and advanced image and data analytics technologies.

On this website you can buy our products.

The SmartPDT service (“SmartPDT” or the “service”) is composed by the SmartPDT App (the “App”) and the SmartPDT Web-Portal (the “Web-Portal”). The SmartPDT service is provided by siHealth who is the only responsible for the processing of your personal data (“controller”) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and any Data Protection laws applicable.

This Privacy Policy will help you better understand how we collect, use, and share your personal information. If we change our privacy practices, we may update this privacy policy. If any changes are significant, we will let you know.


The lawful basis to process your personal data is your explicit consent, in accordance with Art. 6 Par. 1 of the GDPR as well as the fulfilment of legal obligations arising from the contract. If you are buying our products your personal data will be process for the payment, keeping tack of your order and issuing the invoice.

We carefully analyze what types of information we need to provide our services, and we try to limit the information we collect to only what we really need. Where possible, we delete or anonymize this information when we no longer need it. When building and improving our products, our engineers work closely with our privacy and security teams to build with privacy in mind. In all of this work our guiding principle is that your information belongs to you, and we aim to only use your information to your benefit.


If you are buying our products to fulfil the legal obligation arising from the contract we need to process you name, surname, email, phone number, address and, in general, contact information. We also need details for the payment as for example credit card details.


You have various other rights under applicable data protection laws, including the right to:

  • access your personal data (also known as a “subject access request”);
  • correct incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you;
  • ask us to erase the personal data we hold about you;
  • ask us to restrict our handling of your personal data;
  • ask us to transfer your personal data to a third party;
  • object to how we are using your personal data; and
  • withdraw your consent to us handling your personal data.

You can exercise any of these rights by contacting us.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with us or the Information Commissioner’s Office, the supervisory authority for data protection issues in England and Wales. If you are based outside of England and Wales, you can find your relevant supervisory authority here. Please keep in mind that privacy law is complicated, and these rights will not always be available to you all of the time.

Where is my data stored?

We are a UK company, part of an Italian group – Flyby Group – consequently, all your personal data are based securely stored in United Kingdom and in Europe.

Whenever we transfer your personal information outside of the UK and the EU, we ensure it receives additional protection as required by law in accordance with the adequacy principle as stated in GDPR.

To keep this privacy policy short and easy to understand, we haven’t set out the specific circumstances when these protection measures are used. You can contact us at for more detail on this.

how long do we KEEP YOUR DATA FOR?

We will only retain your personal information for as long as we need it and for the purposes we initially collected it for, unless we are required to keep it for longer to comply with our legal, accounting or regulatory requirements.

SiHealth appointed a Data Protection Officer, for further information about how long we keep your data for, please contact us at .


If a third party requests your personal information, we will refuse to share it unless you give us permission or we are legally required.

  • Analytics and web development companies
  • Regulators/ Authorities/ Enforcement Agencies if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our clients or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection.
  • Prospective buyers of our business under our legitimate interest to ensure our business can be continued by the buyer.


We use cookies and similar tracking technologies on our website and when providing our services. For more information about how we use these technologies, including a list of other companies that place cookies on our sites, a list of cookies that we place when we power a merchant’s store, and an explanation of how you can opt out of certain types of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.


Your feedback and suggestions on this notice are welcome. We’ve worked hard to create a notice that’s easy to read and clear. But if you feel that we have overlooked an important perspective or used language which you think we could improve, please let us know by email at

[Last updated on 3 March 2022]